Courses in the field of Energetic work, Healing, Awareness and Health
Access Bars ® class
Is there a freer, healthier and more conscious life within reach?
Yes, this is possible with the Access Bars ® from Access Consciousness ®.
If you want to experience and learn how this works then this one day Access Bars class is for you!
Our brains can be compared with the hard disk in a computer.
Everything we experience in life is stored on this hard disk.
The Bars are 32 points on the head. Every point represents a theme that can correspond with fixed beliefs or impressions.
Think for example of “I’m not good enough”, “I’m not worth to”, “I can’t do that” or “that’s not for me”.
By gently touching the 32 Bars points by the practitioner, an energy flow takes place. You can compare this with touching the poles of a battery.
More information can be read here.
Facilitators: Paul de Leeuw & Paul Buis
Location: Loodskotterhof 46, 1034 CN Amsterdam
Time: 10:00 – 18:00 welcome from 9:30
Coffee / tea / water / sweet and salty snacks and a cup of soup with bread are provided.
Do you have a diet? Bring your own lunch.
Costs € 380,-
For people repeating a class € 190,-
Teenagers aged 16 or 17 € 190,-