Stichting Conscious Health School Amsterdam
Welcome at Stichting
Conscious Health School Amsterdam
Stichting Conscious Health School Amsterdam has as its goal:
– promoting awareness of the holistic vision of health and well-being
– promoting insight into trauma and trauma processing and the self-healing capacity of human beings, all in the broadest sense of the word.
The foundation does this by:
- Providing (arranging) education, lectures and training;
- organizing events, activities and/or meetings;
- providing advice and/or guidance;
See Activities for the activities organized by the foundation.
One of the courses the foundation organizes is the Bars ® class from Access Consciousness.
Stichting Conscious Health School Amsterdam is a nonprofit organization and is registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 95071776. BTW-id NL866989614B01.
If you would like to make a donation, it is most welcome on account
BE93 9051 0366 9967 in the name of Stichting Conscious Health School Amsterdam.

Stichting Conscious Health School Amsterdam is registered at the GRO as a GAT Registered Training Institute.